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All Updates

July 9, 2024
July 9, 2024

Pivot Table

SmartSuite’s Pivot Table widget helps transform complex data, allowing you to see patterns and trends from multiple angles. The pivot supports grouping and summarization, organizing information into rows and columns that can answer questions like "Which product sold the most?" or "What is the average income per region?"

To add a Pivot Table to your workspace, click Add widget and then select Pivot Table from the Widget Library. After selecting the solution and table for the source of your data, you can select fields for the rows and columns in your pivot. Finally, select the field and aggregation type (either by count or by field value) in the “Summarize by” dropdown.

June 27, 2024
June 27, 2024

Support for time values in date fields on Forms

Dates that are included on Forms now have the option to include time values. This capability makes it easy to specify specific start times for event bookings, appointments and more.

To configure date fields to capture time values, start by adding the date to your form. Click into the field on the form layout to display its properties, which now contain a checkbox for “Include time.” When checked, the form will display a time entry input below the date picker, allowing users to include a time value in addition to the date.

June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024

Automations : Create a Comment

You can now add comments to existing records in addition to updating the record’s content with the Add a Comment action. Use it to quickly add notes, update your team on the record’s progress through a workflow and more.

Add a Comment is listed in the SmartSuite Actions section when building your automation. Once you select the target Solution and Table, you can specify content for the comment using a rich text interface that allows you to embed other fields or prior action outputs. You can also add comments to multiple records returned by a Find Records action.

June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024

Automations: Generate Document Designer PDF

This feature allows you to select from existing Document Designer templates during automation configuration. You can generate a PDF using triggering record values, and then use the generated PDF as an attachment to a file or image, an attachment for sending an email (in SmartSuite native, Gmail, or Outlook), an attachment to a Twilio message, or an attachment to a Slack message.

June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

Form View: Add Image

The Image display element allows you to embed an image directly in your Form View, allowing you to display a diagram, infographic or other visual information to help users complete the form.

Add an image to your Form by selecting Image from the Display Elements section. The Image block will be added to the form, and clicking it will open its configuration options. You can click the image that is provided by default to upload a different file, as well as specify the image alignment and maximum height.

June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

Form View: Add Video

The Video display element allows you to embed a video directly in your Form View that will play when the user clicks a play button, allowing you to an introduction, detailed instructions or other information to the form user.

Add a video to your Form by selecting Video from the Display Elements section. The Video block will be added to the form, and clicking it will open its configuration options. You can specify a YouTube or Vimeo URL as well as the maximum height for the video frame.

June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

Form View: Callout Element

The Callout display element allows you to add a static text block to your Form Views that include a callout icon, shaded with a distinctive background color to call attention to important information or instructions.

Add a callout to your Form by selecting Callout from the Display Elements section. The callout block will be added to the form, and clicking it will open its configuration options. You can pick your callout type from a list of options, including: Info, Note, Success, Warning, Error and Decision types. Text that you specify in the text entry area will be displayed with a background color that corresponds to the callout type.

June 24, 2024
June 21, 2024
June 19, 2024
June 19, 2024

Solution Guide : Export to PDF

You can now export the contents of your Solution Guides to PDF. Simply click the 3-dot menu when displaying the Solution Guide and select "Export to PDF." The PDF Settings panel will be displayed, allowing you to configure paper size, layout and font size. The exported file will be named after the solution, along with the current date.

June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024

Automations : When Microsoft Email is Received

The Automations engine has been enhanced with a new trigger that fires when a connected Microsoft email account receives mail, allowing you to initiate a workflow that starts with an email.

When creating an automation, select Microsoft Outlook in the integrations section and click “When an email is received.” You will be prompted to connect your Microsoft account, and then will be able to select the folder to check for new mail, as well as filter conditions to identify just those messages that you want to process.

June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024

Rich Text in Field Help Text

SmartSuite’s support for field-level help text has been enhanced to support rich text formatting, in addition to allowing you to include lengthier help descriptions of up to 700 characters (increased from 250). Available formatting options now include bold, italic, strikethrough, and underlined text. You can choose to incorporate numbered and bulleted lists, URLs, and specify text and highlight colors.

Together with the option to display the text as a tooltip or under the field name in the edit record page, this capability supports a number of new use cases:

  • Provide additional context so that the user understands exactly what the field value represents
  • Display the text of a question that should be answered by the user’s choice of field value (i.e. for a Single Select field with Yes, No or N/A values)
  • Provide links to in-depth help for more complex workflow processes

To add rich text help for a field, start by opening the field’s properties by clicking “Modify Field Settings.” Select the Help Text tab and you’ll be able to enter your content using a rich text editor. Highlight text to apply formatting, or click formatting options to start a list or configure a link.

June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024

Heatmap Chart Enhancements

Several enhancements have been made to SmartSuite's Heat map Chart type, aimed at improving its data visualization capabilities. These updates include consistent sorting, display of drill-in enabled values within segments, and a refined color scale that better highlights values. Additionally, the X and Y axis sort order can be configured, and each axis is labeled with the field name of its source data.

To create a heat map chart, add a new Chart View to your table and select Heat map Chart in the chart settings section. You can then select a field to provide values for the cells, as well as fields that define the heat map’s X and Y axis. Adjust the sort direction by selecting First to Last or Last to First in the dropdown for each axis.

June 10, 2024
June 10, 2024

Record Page: Print PDF using Doc Designer Template

This feature adds the ability to print page designs from the record menu. Both print and export options have been enhanced to allow selection of a Document template or the default SmartSuite export format to export the record content as a PDF.

To export using a template, open the record detail view and click the 3-dot menu. Hover export, then hover Adobe PDF. You can then click the option to Export Record Page (which uses SmartSuite’s default format) or select a Document Designer template you have configured. You can then specify paper size, layout and font size for the PDF, which will have a filename that reflects the record’s title field combined with the current date.

June 4, 2024
June 4, 2024

Authorization: MFA (2FA)

Administrators of Professional and higher SmartSuite plans now have the option to require users to use two-factor authentication when logging in with a username and password.

The option can be enabled in Workspace settings by toggling on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Admins can select the user roles that are required to use 2FA, giving you the flexibility to only require two-factor login for Admins or a sub-set of roles. Admins can additionally reset an individual user’s 2FA settings, allowing them to re-register for 2FA if necessary.

May 28, 2024
May 28, 2024

Communication Center: Support Gmail for Email Send/Receive

Members of Pro and Enterprise workspaces can now connect their profiles to Gmail accounts in SmartSuite’s Communication Center. Simply add or delete a Gmail account in the Connected Emails section of your User Profile. Once connected, emails sent from SmartSuite will appear in your email client’s Sent folder. Whether you continue the conversation in Gmail or SmartSuite, all emails will be captured and displayed in the original record.

May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024

Announcing GDPR Compliance

Privacy and security are fundamental to SmartSuite’s product development and customer service. We rigorously assess all our practices to safeguard your information. In alignment with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), SmartSuite has undergone a formal third-party GDPR audit conducted by Prescient Assurance.‍

SmartSuite not only complies but also assists our customers in doing the same. Our advanced permissions model supports access control at the workspace, solution, record and field levels to ensure the security of your organization's data.

May 21, 2024
May 21, 2024

Announcing HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, is a crucial regulation established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of protected health information (PHI). This legislation sets a national standard for ensuring the security and privacy of individuals' sensitive medical data, aiming to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure that could compromise patients' privacy and rights. By implementing stringent guidelines and protocols, HIPAA plays a vital role in promoting trust and accountability within the healthcare industry, fostering a culture of data protection and ethical handling of patient information.

SmartSuite, as a platform that prioritizes data security and compliance, has successfully completed a rigorous third-party HIPAA compliance audit led by Prescient Assurance. This audit not only validates SmartSuite's commitment to meeting the stringent requirements outlined in HIPAA but also assures businesses subject to HIPAA regulations that they can confidently leverage SmartSuite for managing their work in a manner that aligns with HIPAA standards.

By choosing SmartSuite, organizations can enhance their operational efficiency and effectiveness while ensuring that their workflows adhere to the necessary security and privacy measures mandated by HIPAA, thereby mitigating risks associated with non-compliance and safeguarding patient information from potential breaches or unauthorized disclosures.

May 17, 2024
May 17, 2024

Automations: Allow results of Create and Update record actions to be used in subsequent actions

The Automations Engine has been enhanced to allow the results from Record Create and Record Update actions to be used in subsequent automation actions. This supports creation of more dynamic and interconnected automation workflows, enabling actions to build upon the results of previous ones.

To use the outputs of a prior action, select the action in the field selector displayed in the input of your target field. A list of available inputs from the selected action will be displayed, allowing you to use those returned values as inputs for the new action.

May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024

Authorization: IP Address restrictions

SmartSuite now offers an advanced security feature: IP Address Restrictions for your Workspace. With this powerful tool, you can define a whitelist of trusted IP addresses or IP ranges. Only users connecting from these authorized addresses will be granted access to your workspace.

How It Works:

  • Whitelist Creation: Add specific IP addresses to your whitelist. These could be your office network, trusted partners, or specific locations.
  • Unauthorized Access Blocked: When a user attempts to log in from an IP address not on the allowed list, they’ll encounter an error message. Unauthorized access is instantly blocked.
  • Enhanced Security: Protect sensitive data, confidential projects, and collaborative work by ensuring that only authorized users can access your SmartSuite Workspace.
May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Communication Center: Support Outlook for Email Send/Receive

Members of Pro and Enterprise workspaces can now connect their profiles to Microsoft accounts in SmartSuite’s Communication Center. Simply add or delete a Microsoft account in the Connected Emails section of your User Profile. Once connected, emails sent from SmartSuite will appear in your email client’s Sent folder. Whether you continue the conversation in Outlook or SmartSuite, all emails will be captured and displayed in the original record.

April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Document Designer Enhancements

Several enhancements have been made to the Document Designer to accommodate an expanded set of use cases.  An anchor option lets you fix the position of a field relative to another field that may increase in vertical height, ensuring that it is always displayed directly beneath the anchored field. File and image fields can now display multiple images, with several options for sizing the displayed images.

Set a field’s relative position by selecting the “Anchor” option. Choose the field you want it to be positioned under, and specify the vertical offset in pixels. Use this option to position a total field under an invoice’s line items, display a signature block under contract text or add a signature under a letter to a customer.

Files and Images fields can be configured to display the first image or all images. When in all images mode, you can choose to display square thumbnails or fixed height or width images. Image size and padding can be specified in pixels. Use this option when you’re designing a real estate promotional piece, creating a product data sheet or other marketing materials.

April 24, 2024
April 24, 2024

SmartSuite Named 2024 Startup Grind SaaS Startup of the Year

We are excited to announce that SmartSuite was recognized as the "2024 Startup Grind SaaS Startup of the Year" at the recent Startup Grind Global Conference in Palo Alto, California.

The Startup Grind Global Conference is a premier event that brings together the world’s best startups and scaleups to explore the next wave of the web. It offers meaningful networking and mentorship opportunities, with discussions around building human-centric products, impacting diverse communities, and the future of the web itself.

This accolade is much more than a trophy for our showcase — it's a milestone that marks the hard work, resilience, and collaborative spirit of our entire team. SmartSuite was among a cohort of over 700 innovative companies and emerging as the winner in the SaaS category.

This award reminds us of the power of community in the startup ecosystem and the impact of collective ambition. SmartSuite thanks the StartupGrind team for creating a platform where entrepreneurs can connect, learn, and grow together - it is truly unparalleled.

April 22, 2024
April 22, 2024

Automations: Fail or Continue option when no records returned by Find

The find records action has been enhanced to support the option to continue or fail (stop processing the automation) if no records are found. Selecting "fail" does not generate an error (or an email notification) - it simply stops the automation from continuing to the next action.

You can configure this setting in the "If no records are found" section of the Find records action configuration interface. It is available for both single and multiple record finds.

April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

Activity History: Added support for Communication Center

Record activity history has been updated to record email activities from the communications center. You'll now see emails sent and received, the sender, subject line, the time and date as well as the content of the email reflected in the containing record's history.

Click the view activity history button in the upper-right corner of the edit record interface to display a record’s history. Clicking the email history item will expand it to show you all of the details.

April 15, 2024
April 15, 2024

Page Settings: Manage sections and fields

With the introduction of conditional sections you may now have fields and their sections that are not visible on the edit interface. We’ve enhanced the page settings capabilities to provide a convenient way to edit field and section properties even when they aren’t currently visible.

Open page settings from the edit record page’s 3-dot menu, then click on the Fields tab. You will see a list of fields grouped by their sections. Hovering a field will display buttons to edit field properties or change the field’s permissions. You can also drag and drop the fields to reorder them. Hover a section and you can click its 3-dot menu to change its properties, or click the up and down arrows to move the section.

April 9, 2024
April 9, 2024

Conditional Sections on the Record Page

The edit record interface has been enhanced to allow you to conditionally hide or show sections and their fields.The feature is available on all plans and Solution managers can access it from the Page Settings menu.

Click on the Sections Visibility tab to configure your conditions. You then have the ability to add one or more filters (or filter groups, which allow you to combine AND and OR logic) that specify the conditions that must be true for the section to be displayed.

April 7, 2024
April 7, 2024

Automations: Slack: Dynamic Slack Channel Support

The Slack automations action now supports dynamically selecting the target channel or user by referencing the value of a field in the record.

Now you can fully automate outbound messaging campaigns, distributing your Slack updates to the right audience without manual configuration or requiring multiple automations.

Enable dynamic mode by selecting Dynamic from the Configure dropdown. You can then select a field to retrieve the channel/user value that will be used for the dynamic match.

April 5, 2024
April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

Announcing SOC2 Type 2 Compliance

SmartSuite has also achieved SOC-2 Type 2 compliance, certified by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA). This certification stands as proof of our dedication to securing your data while it resides within our systems. SmartSuite undergoes an annual SOC 2 Type 2 audit, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to meeting the most rigorous security, availability and confidentiality standards in the industry.

By achieving SOC-2 Type 2 compliance certified by the AICPA, customers of SmartSuite can rest assured that their data is being handled with the utmost care and security. This certification serves as tangible evidence of our unwavering commitment to safeguarding customer data while it is stored within our systems. The annual SOC 2 Type 2 audit further showcases our continued dedication to upholding the highest standards of security, availability, and confidentiality in the industry. This means that customers can trust SmartSuite to provide a secure environment for their sensitive information, giving them peace of mind and confidence in the protection of their data.

April 1, 2024
April 1, 2024

Dashboard: Export to PDF

We're adding the ability to export entire dashboards to PDF, allowing users to share valuable insights and data easily. Now you can distribute reports or save a snapshot of your dashboard for offline access, making collaboration even easier.

Export your dashboard to PDF by clicking the view’s 3-dot menu, then hover the Export option and click on Adobe PDF.

March 28, 2024
March 28, 2024

Folder Permissions

View folders have been enhanced with a visibility setting. Now - in addition to grouping views in folders - you can determine which Member, Team or even users with particular roles can see a folder and the Views it contains.

To set Folder Permissions, click on the Folder’s 3-dot menu and select Folder Settings. You can then specify who should see the folder in the Folder Visibility section of the dialog.

March 28, 2024
March 28, 2024

Fields: Export to PDF

You can now export several fields to PDF format without including the entire record content. Supported fields include:

  • SmartDoc
  • Linked Record
  • Checklist
  • Sub-Item
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

Automations: Delete Action

You have a powerful new tool to use in your automations: the Delete Records action.

Now you can delete records when specified conditions match, or find a list of records with the Find Action and delete in bulk.

Just select the Delete Records action from the action list to add it to your automation. You can then choose to delete the triggering record, or select (or add a new) Find Action to delete the records returned by the find.

March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

Email Field : Require Unique Emails

The Email Field type has been updated to support a Require entries to be unique option. When checked, the field will require Members to enter a unique email address. No more duplicates in your CRM!

March 25, 2024
March 25, 2024

Form File Attachment Limits

By popular demand we have increased the number of files you can attach in a Files & Images field in Forms to 25. Now you can really power up your media-focused workflows, making it easier for users to submit the files you need.

March 21, 2024
March 18, 2024
March 18, 2024

Record Page: Hide Fields

You can now hide fields on the edit record page to keep your interface clean and organized.

Hide supporting calculations or other information that users don’t need to interact to create a streamlined user experience while retaining all of the information and functionality of the hidden fields.

To hide a field, open the Page Settings dialog and select the Fields tab. Clicking the hide field icon to the right of a field will hide it from view.

March 13, 2024
March 13, 2024

Automations : Introducing Math Functions

A new set of basic math operations is available for numeric fields in the Update Records action.

You may choose between using a Static value, a manual input, or a Dynamic value derived from another field.

Choose the math operation to be performed by click on the operator dropdown displayed to the left of the input area for the field. You can select Add, Subtract, Multiply or Divide.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Formula: Time Tracking Log as a Nested Field

Use SmartSuite dot notation syntax to access Time Tracking Log Field information, including reporting user, date and time value.

Time Tracking Log Field now acts like a Linked Record, allowing you to retrieve information with all list-handling functions. Sub-Fields include:

  • [Time Tracking Log].[Reported By]
  • [Time Tracking Log].[Reported On]
  • [Time Tracking Log].[Reported Time]
March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Grid View: Editable Nested Fields

Previously, sub-fields could only be displayed in the Grid view in a read-only mode.

From now on, they can be edited individually! Just like any other normal field.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Gant View: Editable Dependency Sub-Fields

The Dependency Field’s Predecessor and Successor information can now be displayed independently in grid, allowing you to edit and interact with them in the same way you would a Linked Record.

You can add Dependency subfields to the Grid View by opening Fields to Display, clicking the plus (+) icon to the left of Dependency, and then clicking Predecessor or Successor.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Automations: Make Enhancements

SmartSuite’s Make connector has been enhanced to add Advanced Settings to Updated Records triggers, allowing you to specify field values (and optional changes) that will trigger the scenario. Also reference fields (like Linked Record) give you the option to use their text value or their SmartSuite Id, making it easier to configure advanced workflows.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Automations : Append, Replace and Clear in Update Records

In the Update Records action, you can now specify the type of update for each field:

  • Replace value (default)
  • Append value
  • Clear value

Just click the dropdown list displayed before the data entry portion of the field to change the behavior for individual fields.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Record Page: Section Descriptions

You can now set up and manage conditions for sections’ visibility.

The feature is available on all plans and Solution Managers can access it from the Page Settings menu. Look for the Sections Visibility tab.

Click on the Section’s name to open a dialog where you can configure criteria that will be evaluated to determine if the Section should be displayed on the page.

February 26, 2024
February 26, 2024

Hide Tables in Solutions

Sophisticated Solutions often require multiple supporting tables. You can now choose to hide supporting tables, removing them from the table selector.

All tables and their data remain active and available for use with Linked Records, without cluttering the user experience.

Access hidden tables from the new table selector icon. Click the display icon next to the table name to hide or unhide the table.

February 12, 2024
February 12, 2024

Formulas : New functions for Related Records

With these new functions, you can get specific field values from a 
sorted list of related records. The functions include:


They can be used in combination with any field type that returns an array, like Sub-Items and Checklists.

February 12, 2024
February 12, 2024

Formulas: The new GET_LIST() function

GET_LIST() allows to run a query against related records of any type: Linked Records, Sub-items, and Checklist Items.

For example: 
On the Customer level, I want to get the Total Amount of the three most recent Orders that are in Shipped status.

February 5, 2024
February 5, 2024

Automations : Single & Multiple FInd

A new toggle allows to choose between finding one or many records.
The results of each action have quite different uses in later steps.Let’s take a closer look.

January 29, 2024
January 29, 2024

Automations: Merge records Action

Automate the process of locating duplicate records within a table, merging them seamlessly into a single, consolidated record - while simultaneously removing the older version for enhanced data clarity and accuracy.

To configure, select the Merge Records action to add it to your automation. You can then configure the matching criteria (how to determine that something is a duplicate) and specify the actions to take during the merge.

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

Automations: Nested Full Name & Address Field

We have added nested field support for the Full Name and Address field types within automations.

This enhancement provides you with greater flexibility when configuring conditions and actions.

For example, you can set up an automation to trigger when only the City field is changed, and as a result, update only the State field.

January 22, 2024
January 22, 2024

Lookup Drill-in

You are now able to click on a Lookup field value in a View or Record to access the record, making it easy to review details or make necessary changes, subject to appropriate permissions.

This feature brings distant data right at your fingertips.

January 19, 2024
January 19, 2024

Chart View: Sorting of Values

We have enhanced our charting capabilities by enabling you to sort chart segments in ascending or descending order, clarifying number-driven visualizations.

This feature is now available for both Column and Bar charts.

January 19, 2024
January 19, 2024

New Formula Functions!

Today's update includes a large number of new formula functions including the long awaited FIND! For examples or the full list of our available functions and operators, check out this shared view.

January 15, 2024
January 15, 2024

Dashboards: Edit / View Modes

A View/Edit Toggle feature is coming to dashboards, designed to streamline the user experience and safeguard against unintended changes. This will simplify the display for end users while still allowing Solution Managers to quickly and easily update layouts and widget configurations.

The toggle is displayed on the right side of the dashboard header. Click the toggle to move from View to Edit (and back).

January 12, 2024
January 12, 2024

Record Cover Image

Cover Images extend our existing record display, bringing a personalized touch to your data. Pull images from existing fields to add visual engagement and help users quickly identify information as they navigate records.

To enable Cover Images, open the Page Settings dialog and select the Settings tab. Choose the Files and Images Field you want as the source for your Cover Image, then close the panel.

January 11, 2024
January 11, 2024

View Description

You will have the option to include descriptions for Views, which can either appear as icons to the right of the View name, or be displayed below the View name when clicked for increased accessibility.

To add a description, click the arrow icon to the right of the View name and select Add Description. Enter your descriptive text, specify how it should be displayed, and then save.

January 10, 2024
January 10, 2024

Table Icons

You can now add icons to your Table names.

Choose from a variety of icons to personalize and visually distinguish your tables, making it easier for users to navigate and identify table contents.

January 9, 2024
January 9, 2024

Undo / Redo Actions

Introducing the SmartSuite Undo/Redo feature.

Now you can effortlessly reverse actions like saving, editing, or deleting records with a simple 'Undo' button. If you change your mind, 'Redo' is just a click away.

Plus, we offer two convenient methods: a toast message or keyboard shortcuts for quick access. Apply a standard CMD/CRTL+Z to Undo and CMD/CTRL+Y to Redo and action.

January 9, 2024
January 9, 2024

SmartDoc Field: Whiteboard Feature

Introducing the Whiteboard feature in SmartDocs – your canvas for creating flowcharts, diagrams, and charts directly within the SmartDocs field.

Easily draw and add content on a virtual whiteboard, with the option to include multiple whiteboards within a single SmartDoc field to clarify your documents and visually describe any concept.

January 8, 2024
January 8, 2024

Multi-User SmartDoc Collaboration

Our SmartDoc field type has been enhanced to support a collaborative display mode that is auto-enabled if two or more team members are editing a SmartDoc field at the same time.

This feature provides a real-time view of all edits, mirroring the dynamic collaboration experience of platforms like Google Docs.

This feature is enabled by default, no further actions are required to set it up.

January 3, 2024
January 3, 2024

‍View Side Navigation Panel

We have introduced a new Side Navigation Panel design that simplifies View access. This collapsible side panel can be pinned open for quick access, or closed to maximize the page viewing area.

January 2, 2024
January 2, 2024

Gantt Chart View

We are excited to announce the general availability of Gantt Charts, a powerful project management tool that simplifies planning, tracking, and task management.

Visualize project timelines, allocate resources efficiently, ensure timely delivery, and elevate coordination for construction, software development, professional services, and marketing projects.

We highly encourage you to watch a video by Dan Leeman in which he highlights all the features of the Gantt View and explains how it is used in combination with the Dependency field type.

January 2, 2024
January 2, 2024

Announcing ISO/IEC 27001 Compliance

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 is a specification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for information security management systems (ISMS). SmartSuite's certification recognizes the strength of our information security management system.

This certification brings numerous positive impacts and benefits to both SmartSuite and its customers. By adhering to the ISO standard, SmartSuite demonstrates a commitment to protecting sensitive information and mitigating security risks effectively. This not only enhances the overall trust and confidence in SmartSuite's services but also assures customers that their data is being handled securely. Customers benefit from reduced risks of data breaches, increased reliability of services, and improved compliance with regulations.

January 1, 2024
January 1, 2024

Dependency Field Type

The Dependency Field is designed to streamline task management by keeping track of things that must come before or after the task, process or other work item. The addition of dependency as a dedicated field makes it easy to configure and manage task dependencies, promoting efficient workflow coordination.

We highly encourage you to watch a video by Dan Leeman that explains how Dependency field can be set up and used.

January 1, 2024
January 1, 2024

Due Date: Nested Field Display Options

We have enhanced the Due Date Field to support nested field display.

Due Date has always been a compound field, consisting of Start and End Dates. Now, you have the flexibility to choose whether to show the full date range or opt for just the Start or End date in your View

December 18, 2023
December 18, 2023

Views: Advanced Filtering Options (Groups)

Our filtering control has been enhanced to support the use of condition groups. You can now logically connect conditions together, into a condition group, using "and" and "or" conjunctions.

December 11, 2023
December 11, 2023

Grid View: Bulk Record Copy

You now have the ability to easily copy the content of a record to your clipboard by checking the checkboxes next to each record (row) and then selecting the "Copy" option. This allows you to paste the data back into SmartSuite or into other tools or spreadsheets.

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Grid View: Bulk Record Duplication

In our Grid view, you now have the capability to select and instantly duplicate multiple records by checking the checkboxes next to each record (row) and then selecting "Duplicate". When the "Unique Record Titles" option is activated, we'll automatically append "Copy 1," "Copy 2," and so on, to differentiate each record.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Grid: Paste of Values in Select Lists

We've streamlined the process for adding choices in Single and Multiple Select fields. Instead of using the dropdown field type "Add new" option, you can now paste values directly into grid cells when the "Allow users to create new choices" setting is enabled. Note that Solution Managers always possess this capability irrespective of the field setting.

November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023

New Printing Options

We've enhanced our Linked Records printing options. Now, instead of solely displaying linked record titles, the print output mirrors the display setting you've chosen for the field. This update allows you to incorporate additional linked record field content into your printouts when desired.

November 13, 2023
November 13, 2023

Forms: Conditional Section Logic

We are excited to announce a much-requested enhancement to our Forms feature. With this enhancement, you can now dynamically show or hide entire sections of fields in your forms based on conditional logic. It functions similarly to Conditional Fields but offers even greater control!

November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

SmartDoc: SmartSuite AI Assistant

We're excited to announce that our SmartSuite AI Assistant has graduated from Beta and is now accessible to all our valued customers.
Dive deep into the world of AI with our integration of OpenAI's Chat GPT 3.5, a feature housed within our SmartDoc field. Whether you're selecting from our array of pre-crafted prompts or feeling creative and designing your own, the power of context-aware generation is at your fingertips.
Plus, we're gifting you 200 free requests to kickstart your AI journey. If you're hungry for more after that, simply integrate your own Open AI API key for uninterrupted access.
Embrace the future of content creation and experience the unparalleled potency of our newest offering! For intricate details, do refer to the comprehensive article provided.

October 30, 2023
October 30, 2023

Solution Template Videos

We have started adding Overview Videos to each Solution template category. This has been done to allow new users to better understand the types of templates that are available in each category.

October 13, 2023
October 13, 2023

Views: Duplicate as Public

When creating a copy of a View, you have the option to set it as either Private or Public. This toggle is available only to users with permissions to create Public views.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Field Types: Repeating Tasks

We are excited to announce that our new Repeating Tasks feature is now available to all customers.  Repeating tasks allow users to schedule tasks to be auto-created on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom schedule.
This new feature can be enabled and configured directly within any Due Date field by users that have edit access to the field.
Scheduled repeating tasks will adapt to changes in completion dates and schedules the next occurrence accordingly, so you don't have to worry about missing future deadlines.

August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023

Multiple Completed Statuses

This gives you the flexibility to mark a project as completed in various situations like 'achieved', 'on hold', or 'canceled'. It's a small yet impactful feature that caters to the complexity and diversity of your workflows.

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

Card View: Shareable Card Views

We've  made it possible to share views in card format. Solution managers can control access to these shared views in a granular manner.

July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023

Grid Views: Copying, Pasting, and Deleting Made Easier

Have you ever wished you could use SmartSuite like a spreadsheet? You can now copy, paste, and delete cells just like you would in a good old-fashioned spreadsheet.

July 24, 2023
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023

Integrations: Charts & Chart Widgets

Select your color of preference for chart segments in the legend. We also added support for (almost) all Text and Numeric fields in the Group By control.

July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023

Field Types: Migrations from Text Field to Most Frequently Used Field Types

A Text Field can now be migrated to a Number, Date, Link, Email, Assigned To, Linked Record, Status, and Single and Multiple Select Field types.

June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023

Record View: Quickly Add a New Field in Record View

We just added the ability to insert a new field above or below the current one in Record View by clicking on the + sign.

June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023

Integrations: WeWeb Integration

We are excited to announce our partnership with WeWeb, a powerful software that offers a unique combination of low-code and no-code customization capabilities, allowing customers and partners to deploy custom front-end applications.

June 5, 2023
June 5, 2023

My Work: Guest Role: Status Change in My Work, Record and Grid View

Guests can now change status field values they are assigned to from My Work, in the Record or from Grid View.

May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023

Grid View: Fill Handle

There is now a more efficient way to copy and paste the values of cells, just drag the bottom corner of a cell to copy its contents to adjacent fields!

May 22, 2023
May 22, 2023

Communication Center: Communication Center Updates

Explore the Communication Center additions including email templates, support for files and images fields for attachments in templates, and the addition of in-app notifications when reply emails are received.

May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023

Field Types : Conditional Rollups

You can use conditions to filter the rollup data and display only a specific subset of related records. For instance, you could choose to display only tasks that are ready for review in a particular project.

May 1, 2023
May 1, 2023

My Work: My Work for Guests

Guest users now have greater control and flexibility when it comes to tracking the progress of projects and tasks and participating in the workflow. They can now update the status in their My Work- without needing to rely on a paid user to make the changes for them.

April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023

Communication Center : Communication Center Updates

The Communication Center now has an added feature of being able to create, manage and apply templates to your emails within the context of a record!

  • Email templates
  • Use email and lookup to email fields in templates (TO, CC, BCC)

April 17, 2023
April 17, 2023

Document Designer : Document Designer Enhancements

Streamline your document creation process with our new multi-page Document Designer!

  • Additional field types are now supported
  •  Improved image handling
  • Added filtering for linked record fields
April 10, 2023
April 10, 2023

Forms : Conditional Forms

Conditions in forms are a way to set specific conditions or parameters that must be met before displaying a certain field. Display form fields based on previous field values, hiding unnecessary fields until conditions are met, helping form fillers complete forms quickly.

April 3, 2023
April 3, 2023

Member Directory: Member Directory Display Control

Member Directory display options now include an option for “None, except select profiles.” When this option is selected, only the Members selected in "Always displayed profiles” will be shown in the directory.

March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023

Automations: Automation History Logs

Automations now have a history view that can be toggled by clicking the History button in the Automation header. You will see a display of each automation execution, it’s start time, status, duration and number of actions.

March 20, 2023
March 20, 2023

Grid View: New Bulk Actions

You can now select multiple cells with your mouse, then press Cmd/Control+C to copy their contents to the clipboard. With Bulk Actions, you can now bulk paste data when the Title field is in edit mode, and use your [Shift] + [Arrow Keys] to select multiple cells for bulk copy.

July 9, 2024
July 9, 2024

Pivot Table

SmartSuite’s Pivot Table widget helps transform complex data, allowing you to see patterns and trends from multiple angles. The pivot supports grouping and summarization, organizing information into rows and columns that can answer questions like "Which product sold the most?" or "What is the average income per region?"

To add a Pivot Table to your workspace, click Add widget and then select Pivot Table from the Widget Library. After selecting the solution and table for the source of your data, you can select fields for the rows and columns in your pivot. Finally, select the field and aggregation type (either by count or by field value) in the “Summarize by” dropdown.

June 27, 2024
June 27, 2024

Support for time values in date fields on Forms

Dates that are included on Forms now have the option to include time values. This capability makes it easy to specify specific start times for event bookings, appointments and more.

To configure date fields to capture time values, start by adding the date to your form. Click into the field on the form layout to display its properties, which now contain a checkbox for “Include time.” When checked, the form will display a time entry input below the date picker, allowing users to include a time value in addition to the date.

June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024

Automations : Create a Comment

You can now add comments to existing records in addition to updating the record’s content with the Add a Comment action. Use it to quickly add notes, update your team on the record’s progress through a workflow and more.

Add a Comment is listed in the SmartSuite Actions section when building your automation. Once you select the target Solution and Table, you can specify content for the comment using a rich text interface that allows you to embed other fields or prior action outputs. You can also add comments to multiple records returned by a Find Records action.

June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024

Automations: Generate Document Designer PDF

This feature allows you to select from existing Document Designer templates during automation configuration. You can generate a PDF using triggering record values, and then use the generated PDF as an attachment to a file or image, an attachment for sending an email (in SmartSuite native, Gmail, or Outlook), an attachment to a Twilio message, or an attachment to a Slack message.

June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

Form View: Add Image

The Image display element allows you to embed an image directly in your Form View, allowing you to display a diagram, infographic or other visual information to help users complete the form.

Add an image to your Form by selecting Image from the Display Elements section. The Image block will be added to the form, and clicking it will open its configuration options. You can click the image that is provided by default to upload a different file, as well as specify the image alignment and maximum height.

June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

Form View: Add Video

The Video display element allows you to embed a video directly in your Form View that will play when the user clicks a play button, allowing you to an introduction, detailed instructions or other information to the form user.

Add a video to your Form by selecting Video from the Display Elements section. The Video block will be added to the form, and clicking it will open its configuration options. You can specify a YouTube or Vimeo URL as well as the maximum height for the video frame.

June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

Form View: Callout Element

The Callout display element allows you to add a static text block to your Form Views that include a callout icon, shaded with a distinctive background color to call attention to important information or instructions.

Add a callout to your Form by selecting Callout from the Display Elements section. The callout block will be added to the form, and clicking it will open its configuration options. You can pick your callout type from a list of options, including: Info, Note, Success, Warning, Error and Decision types. Text that you specify in the text entry area will be displayed with a background color that corresponds to the callout type.

June 24, 2024
June 21, 2024
June 19, 2024
June 19, 2024

Solution Guide : Export to PDF

You can now export the contents of your Solution Guides to PDF. Simply click the 3-dot menu when displaying the Solution Guide and select "Export to PDF." The PDF Settings panel will be displayed, allowing you to configure paper size, layout and font size. The exported file will be named after the solution, along with the current date.

June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024

Automations : When Microsoft Email is Received

The Automations engine has been enhanced with a new trigger that fires when a connected Microsoft email account receives mail, allowing you to initiate a workflow that starts with an email.

When creating an automation, select Microsoft Outlook in the integrations section and click “When an email is received.” You will be prompted to connect your Microsoft account, and then will be able to select the folder to check for new mail, as well as filter conditions to identify just those messages that you want to process.

June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024

Rich Text in Field Help Text

SmartSuite’s support for field-level help text has been enhanced to support rich text formatting, in addition to allowing you to include lengthier help descriptions of up to 700 characters (increased from 250). Available formatting options now include bold, italic, strikethrough, and underlined text. You can choose to incorporate numbered and bulleted lists, URLs, and specify text and highlight colors.

Together with the option to display the text as a tooltip or under the field name in the edit record page, this capability supports a number of new use cases:

  • Provide additional context so that the user understands exactly what the field value represents
  • Display the text of a question that should be answered by the user’s choice of field value (i.e. for a Single Select field with Yes, No or N/A values)
  • Provide links to in-depth help for more complex workflow processes

To add rich text help for a field, start by opening the field’s properties by clicking “Modify Field Settings.” Select the Help Text tab and you’ll be able to enter your content using a rich text editor. Highlight text to apply formatting, or click formatting options to start a list or configure a link.

June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024

Heatmap Chart Enhancements

Several enhancements have been made to SmartSuite's Heat map Chart type, aimed at improving its data visualization capabilities. These updates include consistent sorting, display of drill-in enabled values within segments, and a refined color scale that better highlights values. Additionally, the X and Y axis sort order can be configured, and each axis is labeled with the field name of its source data.

To create a heat map chart, add a new Chart View to your table and select Heat map Chart in the chart settings section. You can then select a field to provide values for the cells, as well as fields that define the heat map’s X and Y axis. Adjust the sort direction by selecting First to Last or Last to First in the dropdown for each axis.

June 10, 2024
June 10, 2024

Record Page: Print PDF using Doc Designer Template

This feature adds the ability to print page designs from the record menu. Both print and export options have been enhanced to allow selection of a Document template or the default SmartSuite export format to export the record content as a PDF.

To export using a template, open the record detail view and click the 3-dot menu. Hover export, then hover Adobe PDF. You can then click the option to Export Record Page (which uses SmartSuite’s default format) or select a Document Designer template you have configured. You can then specify paper size, layout and font size for the PDF, which will have a filename that reflects the record’s title field combined with the current date.

June 4, 2024
June 4, 2024

Authorization: MFA (2FA)

Administrators of Professional and higher SmartSuite plans now have the option to require users to use two-factor authentication when logging in with a username and password.

The option can be enabled in Workspace settings by toggling on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Admins can select the user roles that are required to use 2FA, giving you the flexibility to only require two-factor login for Admins or a sub-set of roles. Admins can additionally reset an individual user’s 2FA settings, allowing them to re-register for 2FA if necessary.

May 28, 2024
May 28, 2024

Communication Center: Support Gmail for Email Send/Receive

Members of Pro and Enterprise workspaces can now connect their profiles to Gmail accounts in SmartSuite’s Communication Center. Simply add or delete a Gmail account in the Connected Emails section of your User Profile. Once connected, emails sent from SmartSuite will appear in your email client’s Sent folder. Whether you continue the conversation in Gmail or SmartSuite, all emails will be captured and displayed in the original record.

May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024

Announcing GDPR Compliance

Privacy and security are fundamental to SmartSuite’s product development and customer service. We rigorously assess all our practices to safeguard your information. In alignment with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), SmartSuite has undergone a formal third-party GDPR audit conducted by Prescient Assurance.‍

SmartSuite not only complies but also assists our customers in doing the same. Our advanced permissions model supports access control at the workspace, solution, record and field levels to ensure the security of your organization's data.

May 21, 2024
May 21, 2024

Announcing HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, is a crucial regulation established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of protected health information (PHI). This legislation sets a national standard for ensuring the security and privacy of individuals' sensitive medical data, aiming to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure that could compromise patients' privacy and rights. By implementing stringent guidelines and protocols, HIPAA plays a vital role in promoting trust and accountability within the healthcare industry, fostering a culture of data protection and ethical handling of patient information.

SmartSuite, as a platform that prioritizes data security and compliance, has successfully completed a rigorous third-party HIPAA compliance audit led by Prescient Assurance. This audit not only validates SmartSuite's commitment to meeting the stringent requirements outlined in HIPAA but also assures businesses subject to HIPAA regulations that they can confidently leverage SmartSuite for managing their work in a manner that aligns with HIPAA standards.

By choosing SmartSuite, organizations can enhance their operational efficiency and effectiveness while ensuring that their workflows adhere to the necessary security and privacy measures mandated by HIPAA, thereby mitigating risks associated with non-compliance and safeguarding patient information from potential breaches or unauthorized disclosures.

May 17, 2024
May 17, 2024

Automations: Allow results of Create and Update record actions to be used in subsequent actions

The Automations Engine has been enhanced to allow the results from Record Create and Record Update actions to be used in subsequent automation actions. This supports creation of more dynamic and interconnected automation workflows, enabling actions to build upon the results of previous ones.

To use the outputs of a prior action, select the action in the field selector displayed in the input of your target field. A list of available inputs from the selected action will be displayed, allowing you to use those returned values as inputs for the new action.

May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024

Authorization: IP Address restrictions

SmartSuite now offers an advanced security feature: IP Address Restrictions for your Workspace. With this powerful tool, you can define a whitelist of trusted IP addresses or IP ranges. Only users connecting from these authorized addresses will be granted access to your workspace.

How It Works:

  • Whitelist Creation: Add specific IP addresses to your whitelist. These could be your office network, trusted partners, or specific locations.
  • Unauthorized Access Blocked: When a user attempts to log in from an IP address not on the allowed list, they’ll encounter an error message. Unauthorized access is instantly blocked.
  • Enhanced Security: Protect sensitive data, confidential projects, and collaborative work by ensuring that only authorized users can access your SmartSuite Workspace.
May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Communication Center: Support Outlook for Email Send/Receive

Members of Pro and Enterprise workspaces can now connect their profiles to Microsoft accounts in SmartSuite’s Communication Center. Simply add or delete a Microsoft account in the Connected Emails section of your User Profile. Once connected, emails sent from SmartSuite will appear in your email client’s Sent folder. Whether you continue the conversation in Outlook or SmartSuite, all emails will be captured and displayed in the original record.

April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Document Designer Enhancements

Several enhancements have been made to the Document Designer to accommodate an expanded set of use cases.  An anchor option lets you fix the position of a field relative to another field that may increase in vertical height, ensuring that it is always displayed directly beneath the anchored field. File and image fields can now display multiple images, with several options for sizing the displayed images.

Set a field’s relative position by selecting the “Anchor” option. Choose the field you want it to be positioned under, and specify the vertical offset in pixels. Use this option to position a total field under an invoice’s line items, display a signature block under contract text or add a signature under a letter to a customer.

Files and Images fields can be configured to display the first image or all images. When in all images mode, you can choose to display square thumbnails or fixed height or width images. Image size and padding can be specified in pixels. Use this option when you’re designing a real estate promotional piece, creating a product data sheet or other marketing materials.

April 24, 2024
April 24, 2024

SmartSuite Named 2024 Startup Grind SaaS Startup of the Year

We are excited to announce that SmartSuite was recognized as the "2024 Startup Grind SaaS Startup of the Year" at the recent Startup Grind Global Conference in Palo Alto, California.

The Startup Grind Global Conference is a premier event that brings together the world’s best startups and scaleups to explore the next wave of the web. It offers meaningful networking and mentorship opportunities, with discussions around building human-centric products, impacting diverse communities, and the future of the web itself.

This accolade is much more than a trophy for our showcase — it's a milestone that marks the hard work, resilience, and collaborative spirit of our entire team. SmartSuite was among a cohort of over 700 innovative companies and emerging as the winner in the SaaS category.

This award reminds us of the power of community in the startup ecosystem and the impact of collective ambition. SmartSuite thanks the StartupGrind team for creating a platform where entrepreneurs can connect, learn, and grow together - it is truly unparalleled.

April 22, 2024
April 22, 2024

Automations: Fail or Continue option when no records returned by Find

The find records action has been enhanced to support the option to continue or fail (stop processing the automation) if no records are found. Selecting "fail" does not generate an error (or an email notification) - it simply stops the automation from continuing to the next action.

You can configure this setting in the "If no records are found" section of the Find records action configuration interface. It is available for both single and multiple record finds.

April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

Activity History: Added support for Communication Center

Record activity history has been updated to record email activities from the communications center. You'll now see emails sent and received, the sender, subject line, the time and date as well as the content of the email reflected in the containing record's history.

Click the view activity history button in the upper-right corner of the edit record interface to display a record’s history. Clicking the email history item will expand it to show you all of the details.

April 15, 2024
April 15, 2024

Page Settings: Manage sections and fields

With the introduction of conditional sections you may now have fields and their sections that are not visible on the edit interface. We’ve enhanced the page settings capabilities to provide a convenient way to edit field and section properties even when they aren’t currently visible.

Open page settings from the edit record page’s 3-dot menu, then click on the Fields tab. You will see a list of fields grouped by their sections. Hovering a field will display buttons to edit field properties or change the field’s permissions. You can also drag and drop the fields to reorder them. Hover a section and you can click its 3-dot menu to change its properties, or click the up and down arrows to move the section.

April 9, 2024
April 9, 2024

Conditional Sections on the Record Page

The edit record interface has been enhanced to allow you to conditionally hide or show sections and their fields.The feature is available on all plans and Solution managers can access it from the Page Settings menu.

Click on the Sections Visibility tab to configure your conditions. You then have the ability to add one or more filters (or filter groups, which allow you to combine AND and OR logic) that specify the conditions that must be true for the section to be displayed.

April 7, 2024
April 7, 2024

Automations: Slack: Dynamic Slack Channel Support

The Slack automations action now supports dynamically selecting the target channel or user by referencing the value of a field in the record.

Now you can fully automate outbound messaging campaigns, distributing your Slack updates to the right audience without manual configuration or requiring multiple automations.

Enable dynamic mode by selecting Dynamic from the Configure dropdown. You can then select a field to retrieve the channel/user value that will be used for the dynamic match.

April 5, 2024
April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

Announcing SOC2 Type 2 Compliance

SmartSuite has also achieved SOC-2 Type 2 compliance, certified by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA). This certification stands as proof of our dedication to securing your data while it resides within our systems. SmartSuite undergoes an annual SOC 2 Type 2 audit, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to meeting the most rigorous security, availability and confidentiality standards in the industry.

By achieving SOC-2 Type 2 compliance certified by the AICPA, customers of SmartSuite can rest assured that their data is being handled with the utmost care and security. This certification serves as tangible evidence of our unwavering commitment to safeguarding customer data while it is stored within our systems. The annual SOC 2 Type 2 audit further showcases our continued dedication to upholding the highest standards of security, availability, and confidentiality in the industry. This means that customers can trust SmartSuite to provide a secure environment for their sensitive information, giving them peace of mind and confidence in the protection of their data.

April 1, 2024
April 1, 2024

Dashboard: Export to PDF

We're adding the ability to export entire dashboards to PDF, allowing users to share valuable insights and data easily. Now you can distribute reports or save a snapshot of your dashboard for offline access, making collaboration even easier.

Export your dashboard to PDF by clicking the view’s 3-dot menu, then hover the Export option and click on Adobe PDF.

March 28, 2024
March 28, 2024

Folder Permissions

View folders have been enhanced with a visibility setting. Now - in addition to grouping views in folders - you can determine which Member, Team or even users with particular roles can see a folder and the Views it contains.

To set Folder Permissions, click on the Folder’s 3-dot menu and select Folder Settings. You can then specify who should see the folder in the Folder Visibility section of the dialog.

March 28, 2024
March 28, 2024

Fields: Export to PDF

You can now export several fields to PDF format without including the entire record content. Supported fields include:

  • SmartDoc
  • Linked Record
  • Checklist
  • Sub-Item
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

Automations: Delete Action

You have a powerful new tool to use in your automations: the Delete Records action.

Now you can delete records when specified conditions match, or find a list of records with the Find Action and delete in bulk.

Just select the Delete Records action from the action list to add it to your automation. You can then choose to delete the triggering record, or select (or add a new) Find Action to delete the records returned by the find.

March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

Email Field : Require Unique Emails

The Email Field type has been updated to support a Require entries to be unique option. When checked, the field will require Members to enter a unique email address. No more duplicates in your CRM!

March 25, 2024
March 25, 2024

Form File Attachment Limits

By popular demand we have increased the number of files you can attach in a Files & Images field in Forms to 25. Now you can really power up your media-focused workflows, making it easier for users to submit the files you need.

March 21, 2024
March 18, 2024
March 18, 2024

Record Page: Hide Fields

You can now hide fields on the edit record page to keep your interface clean and organized.

Hide supporting calculations or other information that users don’t need to interact to create a streamlined user experience while retaining all of the information and functionality of the hidden fields.

To hide a field, open the Page Settings dialog and select the Fields tab. Clicking the hide field icon to the right of a field will hide it from view.

March 13, 2024
March 13, 2024

Automations : Introducing Math Functions

A new set of basic math operations is available for numeric fields in the Update Records action.

You may choose between using a Static value, a manual input, or a Dynamic value derived from another field.

Choose the math operation to be performed by click on the operator dropdown displayed to the left of the input area for the field. You can select Add, Subtract, Multiply or Divide.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Formula: Time Tracking Log as a Nested Field

Use SmartSuite dot notation syntax to access Time Tracking Log Field information, including reporting user, date and time value.

Time Tracking Log Field now acts like a Linked Record, allowing you to retrieve information with all list-handling functions. Sub-Fields include:

  • [Time Tracking Log].[Reported By]
  • [Time Tracking Log].[Reported On]
  • [Time Tracking Log].[Reported Time]
March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Grid View: Editable Nested Fields

Previously, sub-fields could only be displayed in the Grid view in a read-only mode.

From now on, they can be edited individually! Just like any other normal field.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Gant View: Editable Dependency Sub-Fields

The Dependency Field’s Predecessor and Successor information can now be displayed independently in grid, allowing you to edit and interact with them in the same way you would a Linked Record.

You can add Dependency subfields to the Grid View by opening Fields to Display, clicking the plus (+) icon to the left of Dependency, and then clicking Predecessor or Successor.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Automations: Make Enhancements

SmartSuite’s Make connector has been enhanced to add Advanced Settings to Updated Records triggers, allowing you to specify field values (and optional changes) that will trigger the scenario. Also reference fields (like Linked Record) give you the option to use their text value or their SmartSuite Id, making it easier to configure advanced workflows.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Automations : Append, Replace and Clear in Update Records

In the Update Records action, you can now specify the type of update for each field:

  • Replace value (default)
  • Append value
  • Clear value

Just click the dropdown list displayed before the data entry portion of the field to change the behavior for individual fields.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Record Page: Section Descriptions

You can now set up and manage conditions for sections’ visibility.

The feature is available on all plans and Solution Managers can access it from the Page Settings menu. Look for the Sections Visibility tab.

Click on the Section’s name to open a dialog where you can configure criteria that will be evaluated to determine if the Section should be displayed on the page.

February 26, 2024
February 26, 2024

Hide Tables in Solutions

Sophisticated Solutions often require multiple supporting tables. You can now choose to hide supporting tables, removing them from the table selector.

All tables and their data remain active and available for use with Linked Records, without cluttering the user experience.

Access hidden tables from the new table selector icon. Click the display icon next to the table name to hide or unhide the table.

February 12, 2024
February 12, 2024

Formulas : New functions for Related Records

With these new functions, you can get specific field values from a 
sorted list of related records. The functions include:


They can be used in combination with any field type that returns an array, like Sub-Items and Checklists.

February 12, 2024
February 12, 2024

Formulas: The new GET_LIST() function

GET_LIST() allows to run a query against related records of any type: Linked Records, Sub-items, and Checklist Items.

For example: 
On the Customer level, I want to get the Total Amount of the three most recent Orders that are in Shipped status.

February 5, 2024
February 5, 2024

Automations : Single & Multiple FInd

A new toggle allows to choose between finding one or many records.
The results of each action have quite different uses in later steps.Let’s take a closer look.

January 29, 2024
January 29, 2024

Automations: Merge records Action

Automate the process of locating duplicate records within a table, merging them seamlessly into a single, consolidated record - while simultaneously removing the older version for enhanced data clarity and accuracy.

To configure, select the Merge Records action to add it to your automation. You can then configure the matching criteria (how to determine that something is a duplicate) and specify the actions to take during the merge.

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

Automations: Nested Full Name & Address Field

We have added nested field support for the Full Name and Address field types within automations.

This enhancement provides you with greater flexibility when configuring conditions and actions.

For example, you can set up an automation to trigger when only the City field is changed, and as a result, update only the State field.

January 22, 2024
January 22, 2024

Lookup Drill-in

You are now able to click on a Lookup field value in a View or Record to access the record, making it easy to review details or make necessary changes, subject to appropriate permissions.

This feature brings distant data right at your fingertips.

January 19, 2024
January 19, 2024

Chart View: Sorting of Values

We have enhanced our charting capabilities by enabling you to sort chart segments in ascending or descending order, clarifying number-driven visualizations.

This feature is now available for both Column and Bar charts.

January 19, 2024
January 19, 2024

New Formula Functions!

Today's update includes a large number of new formula functions including the long awaited FIND! For examples or the full list of our available functions and operators, check out this shared view.

January 15, 2024
January 15, 2024

Dashboards: Edit / View Modes

A View/Edit Toggle feature is coming to dashboards, designed to streamline the user experience and safeguard against unintended changes. This will simplify the display for end users while still allowing Solution Managers to quickly and easily update layouts and widget configurations.

The toggle is displayed on the right side of the dashboard header. Click the toggle to move from View to Edit (and back).

January 12, 2024
January 12, 2024

Record Cover Image

Cover Images extend our existing record display, bringing a personalized touch to your data. Pull images from existing fields to add visual engagement and help users quickly identify information as they navigate records.

To enable Cover Images, open the Page Settings dialog and select the Settings tab. Choose the Files and Images Field you want as the source for your Cover Image, then close the panel.

January 11, 2024
January 11, 2024

View Description

You will have the option to include descriptions for Views, which can either appear as icons to the right of the View name, or be displayed below the View name when clicked for increased accessibility.

To add a description, click the arrow icon to the right of the View name and select Add Description. Enter your descriptive text, specify how it should be displayed, and then save.

January 10, 2024
January 10, 2024

Table Icons

You can now add icons to your Table names.

Choose from a variety of icons to personalize and visually distinguish your tables, making it easier for users to navigate and identify table contents.

January 9, 2024
January 9, 2024

Undo / Redo Actions

Introducing the SmartSuite Undo/Redo feature.

Now you can effortlessly reverse actions like saving, editing, or deleting records with a simple 'Undo' button. If you change your mind, 'Redo' is just a click away.

Plus, we offer two convenient methods: a toast message or keyboard shortcuts for quick access. Apply a standard CMD/CRTL+Z to Undo and CMD/CTRL+Y to Redo and action.

January 9, 2024
January 9, 2024

SmartDoc Field: Whiteboard Feature

Introducing the Whiteboard feature in SmartDocs – your canvas for creating flowcharts, diagrams, and charts directly within the SmartDocs field.

Easily draw and add content on a virtual whiteboard, with the option to include multiple whiteboards within a single SmartDoc field to clarify your documents and visually describe any concept.

January 8, 2024
January 8, 2024

Multi-User SmartDoc Collaboration

Our SmartDoc field type has been enhanced to support a collaborative display mode that is auto-enabled if two or more team members are editing a SmartDoc field at the same time.

This feature provides a real-time view of all edits, mirroring the dynamic collaboration experience of platforms like Google Docs.

This feature is enabled by default, no further actions are required to set it up.

January 3, 2024
January 3, 2024

‍View Side Navigation Panel

We have introduced a new Side Navigation Panel design that simplifies View access. This collapsible side panel can be pinned open for quick access, or closed to maximize the page viewing area.

January 2, 2024
January 2, 2024

Gantt Chart View

We are excited to announce the general availability of Gantt Charts, a powerful project management tool that simplifies planning, tracking, and task management.

Visualize project timelines, allocate resources efficiently, ensure timely delivery, and elevate coordination for construction, software development, professional services, and marketing projects.

We highly encourage you to watch a video by Dan Leeman in which he highlights all the features of the Gantt View and explains how it is used in combination with the Dependency field type.

January 2, 2024
January 2, 2024

Announcing ISO/IEC 27001 Compliance

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 is a specification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for information security management systems (ISMS). SmartSuite's certification recognizes the strength of our information security management system.

This certification brings numerous positive impacts and benefits to both SmartSuite and its customers. By adhering to the ISO standard, SmartSuite demonstrates a commitment to protecting sensitive information and mitigating security risks effectively. This not only enhances the overall trust and confidence in SmartSuite's services but also assures customers that their data is being handled securely. Customers benefit from reduced risks of data breaches, increased reliability of services, and improved compliance with regulations.

January 1, 2024
January 1, 2024

Dependency Field Type

The Dependency Field is designed to streamline task management by keeping track of things that must come before or after the task, process or other work item. The addition of dependency as a dedicated field makes it easy to configure and manage task dependencies, promoting efficient workflow coordination.

We highly encourage you to watch a video by Dan Leeman that explains how Dependency field can be set up and used.

January 1, 2024
January 1, 2024

Due Date: Nested Field Display Options

We have enhanced the Due Date Field to support nested field display.

Due Date has always been a compound field, consisting of Start and End Dates. Now, you have the flexibility to choose whether to show the full date range or opt for just the Start or End date in your View

December 18, 2023
December 18, 2023

Views: Advanced Filtering Options (Groups)

Our filtering control has been enhanced to support the use of condition groups. You can now logically connect conditions together, into a condition group, using "and" and "or" conjunctions.

December 11, 2023
December 11, 2023

Grid View: Bulk Record Copy

You now have the ability to easily copy the content of a record to your clipboard by checking the checkboxes next to each record (row) and then selecting the "Copy" option. This allows you to paste the data back into SmartSuite or into other tools or spreadsheets.

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Grid View: Bulk Record Duplication

In our Grid view, you now have the capability to select and instantly duplicate multiple records by checking the checkboxes next to each record (row) and then selecting "Duplicate". When the "Unique Record Titles" option is activated, we'll automatically append "Copy 1," "Copy 2," and so on, to differentiate each record.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Grid: Paste of Values in Select Lists

We've streamlined the process for adding choices in Single and Multiple Select fields. Instead of using the dropdown field type "Add new" option, you can now paste values directly into grid cells when the "Allow users to create new choices" setting is enabled. Note that Solution Managers always possess this capability irrespective of the field setting.

November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023

New Printing Options

We've enhanced our Linked Records printing options. Now, instead of solely displaying linked record titles, the print output mirrors the display setting you've chosen for the field. This update allows you to incorporate additional linked record field content into your printouts when desired.

November 13, 2023
November 13, 2023

Forms: Conditional Section Logic

We are excited to announce a much-requested enhancement to our Forms feature. With this enhancement, you can now dynamically show or hide entire sections of fields in your forms based on conditional logic. It functions similarly to Conditional Fields but offers even greater control!

November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

SmartDoc: SmartSuite AI Assistant

We're excited to announce that our SmartSuite AI Assistant has graduated from Beta and is now accessible to all our valued customers.
Dive deep into the world of AI with our integration of OpenAI's Chat GPT 3.5, a feature housed within our SmartDoc field. Whether you're selecting from our array of pre-crafted prompts or feeling creative and designing your own, the power of context-aware generation is at your fingertips.
Plus, we're gifting you 200 free requests to kickstart your AI journey. If you're hungry for more after that, simply integrate your own Open AI API key for uninterrupted access.
Embrace the future of content creation and experience the unparalleled potency of our newest offering! For intricate details, do refer to the comprehensive article provided.

October 30, 2023
October 30, 2023

Solution Template Videos

We have started adding Overview Videos to each Solution template category. This has been done to allow new users to better understand the types of templates that are available in each category.

October 13, 2023
October 13, 2023

Views: Duplicate as Public

When creating a copy of a View, you have the option to set it as either Private or Public. This toggle is available only to users with permissions to create Public views.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Field Types: Repeating Tasks

We are excited to announce that our new Repeating Tasks feature is now available to all customers.  Repeating tasks allow users to schedule tasks to be auto-created on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom schedule.
This new feature can be enabled and configured directly within any Due Date field by users that have edit access to the field.
Scheduled repeating tasks will adapt to changes in completion dates and schedules the next occurrence accordingly, so you don't have to worry about missing future deadlines.

August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023

Multiple Completed Statuses

This gives you the flexibility to mark a project as completed in various situations like 'achieved', 'on hold', or 'canceled'. It's a small yet impactful feature that caters to the complexity and diversity of your workflows.

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

Card View: Shareable Card Views

We've  made it possible to share views in card format. Solution managers can control access to these shared views in a granular manner.

July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023

Grid Views: Copying, Pasting, and Deleting Made Easier

Have you ever wished you could use SmartSuite like a spreadsheet? You can now copy, paste, and delete cells just like you would in a good old-fashioned spreadsheet.

July 24, 2023
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023

Integrations: Charts & Chart Widgets

Select your color of preference for chart segments in the legend. We also added support for (almost) all Text and Numeric fields in the Group By control.

July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023

Field Types: Migrations from Text Field to Most Frequently Used Field Types

A Text Field can now be migrated to a Number, Date, Link, Email, Assigned To, Linked Record, Status, and Single and Multiple Select Field types.

June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023

Record View: Quickly Add a New Field in Record View

We just added the ability to insert a new field above or below the current one in Record View by clicking on the + sign.

June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023

Integrations: WeWeb Integration

We are excited to announce our partnership with WeWeb, a powerful software that offers a unique combination of low-code and no-code customization capabilities, allowing customers and partners to deploy custom front-end applications.

June 5, 2023
June 5, 2023

My Work: Guest Role: Status Change in My Work, Record and Grid View

Guests can now change status field values they are assigned to from My Work, in the Record or from Grid View.

May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023

Grid View: Fill Handle

There is now a more efficient way to copy and paste the values of cells, just drag the bottom corner of a cell to copy its contents to adjacent fields!

May 22, 2023
May 22, 2023

Communication Center: Communication Center Updates

Explore the Communication Center additions including email templates, support for files and images fields for attachments in templates, and the addition of in-app notifications when reply emails are received.

May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023

Field Types : Conditional Rollups

You can use conditions to filter the rollup data and display only a specific subset of related records. For instance, you could choose to display only tasks that are ready for review in a particular project.

May 1, 2023
May 1, 2023

My Work: My Work for Guests

Guest users now have greater control and flexibility when it comes to tracking the progress of projects and tasks and participating in the workflow. They can now update the status in their My Work- without needing to rely on a paid user to make the changes for them.

April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023

Communication Center : Communication Center Updates

The Communication Center now has an added feature of being able to create, manage and apply templates to your emails within the context of a record!

  • Email templates
  • Use email and lookup to email fields in templates (TO, CC, BCC)

April 17, 2023
April 17, 2023

Document Designer : Document Designer Enhancements

Streamline your document creation process with our new multi-page Document Designer!

  • Additional field types are now supported
  •  Improved image handling
  • Added filtering for linked record fields
April 10, 2023
April 10, 2023

Forms : Conditional Forms

Conditions in forms are a way to set specific conditions or parameters that must be met before displaying a certain field. Display form fields based on previous field values, hiding unnecessary fields until conditions are met, helping form fillers complete forms quickly.

April 3, 2023
April 3, 2023

Member Directory: Member Directory Display Control

Member Directory display options now include an option for “None, except select profiles.” When this option is selected, only the Members selected in "Always displayed profiles” will be shown in the directory.

March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023

Automations: Automation History Logs

Automations now have a history view that can be toggled by clicking the History button in the Automation header. You will see a display of each automation execution, it’s start time, status, duration and number of actions.

March 20, 2023
March 20, 2023

Grid View: New Bulk Actions

You can now select multiple cells with your mouse, then press Cmd/Control+C to copy their contents to the clipboard. With Bulk Actions, you can now bulk paste data when the Title field is in edit mode, and use your [Shift] + [Arrow Keys] to select multiple cells for bulk copy.

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