8 Ways to Automate a CRM using SmartSuite Automations for People Who Hate Data Entry

8 Ways to Automate a CRM using SmartSuite Automations for People Who Hate Data Entry

10 minutes

January 4, 2023

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If you're in the sales world, it's no secret that a CRM, or client relationship manager, is your best friend for keeping tabs on potential customers, current clients, and tracking the sales process. But let's be real – the last thing anyone wants is for their CRM to turn into a black hole where time disappears as you manually punch in data. Especially sales reps, who could be making deals instead of clicking away in the office. To save ourselves from that dreadful fate, automation is the way to go.

And hey, if SmartSuite is your CRM of choice, or even if you're considering it, you're in luck. In this blog, I'm diving into eight killer automations that will not only give your SmartSuite-based CRM wings but can also work their magic on pretty much any platform. Trust me, this is just scratching the surface. But first things first, you'll need an actual CRM set up in SmartSuite. If you're not there yet, no worries, I'll walk you through setting up one using a SmartSuite template in the next couple of minutes. Make sure you've got your SmartSuite account ready to roll. If you don't, hit up our affiliate link below to get set up for free and show some love to our channel.

Alright, are you in your SmartSuite account? Let's create a new solution. If you already have a CRM rocking in there, kudos, but stick around for the automations. And for those who haven't set up their CRM yet, let's dive in by clicking "start with a template" and searching for that sparkling "CRM". Among the options, we'll pick the "sales CRM" as our base camp. Even if your CRM format is different, or if you're not a SmartSuite user, these automations tips are universal.

Now, let’s kick off with our first CRM automation – the personal check-in email that shoots off at the click of a button.

Automation #1: The Personal Check-in Email Initiator

In our SmartSuite CRM, let's stir up a new field that signals it's time to send a check-in email. I prefer a dropdown for clarity with options like 'Not yet', 'Send it', and 'Sent'. With this field in place, we can now set up an automation that triggers when 'Send it' is selected, shoots off a personalized email, and then flips the switch to 'Sent'. Plus, it updates your notes to mark the occasion – all without laying a finger on your keyboard.

"Being able to automate personalized client communications with just a dropdown menu? That's a game-changer in the CRM world."

For our second act, it's all about staying on top of those opportunities.

Automation #2: The Opportunity Activator

Nothing's worse in a CRM than an opportunity that's fallen through the cracks because it wasn't updated. To avoid this, we set an automation that nudges us if an opportunity hasn't seen action in a month and has no upcoming steps scheduled. It's the little kick we all need sometimes to follow-up or close the loop.

Moving on, what about keeping tabs on those progress reports?

Automation #3: The Scheduled Progress Report Reminder

Setting up a weekly nudge for your sales team can keep leads top of mind. This automation can email summaries of ongoing deals, reminding your team about what needs their attention. Especially handy for sales pros who aren't living inside SmartSuite.

And for the times when a deal is so close you can almost taste the champagne...

Automation #4: The Deal is Closing Alert

Imagine automating a heads-up to your fulfillment team when a deal's close date is near and the likelihood to close is high. You can make sure everybody's prepped and on their toes to seal the deal.

I've shared four solid automations but stick around – there's more after a quick like and subscribe break to support the cause.

Now, sometimes, doing things differently can still achieve an automatic advantage.

Automation #5: The Self-Service Form

By adding a nifty form view to your opportunities app, you give leads the power to hop into your CRM by themselves. And if they're already a part of your ecosystem? Your team can use the same form to channel their info without hassle. It's a data collection dream, streamlined and structured.

By adding a nifty form view to your opportunities app, you give leads the power to hop into your CRM by themselves. And if they're already a part of your ecosystem? Your team can use the same form to channel their info without hassle. It's a data collection dream, streamlined and structured.

For Automation #6, we take that form magic to another level.

Automation #6: The Form Submission Acknowledgement Email

Avoid the void that swallows form submissions by setting an autoresponder to thank folks for reaching out and set expectations for what comes next. Attach some info or next steps, and you're not just acknowledging – you're engaging.

Next, we have a bit of an outlier. It might not scream "automation", but it saves you a heap of time.

Automation #7: Default Field Values

Sick of entering the same info over and over? Pre-set default values for your fields so that every new record starts off with standard details filled in. It's not just efficient – it's common sense.

For our final act, let's look beyond SmartSuite at the possibilities when we pair it with an external automation powerhouse.

Automation #8: Integrating With Tools Like Zapier or Make

Take your CRM automations to stratospheric heights by integrating with platforms like Zapier or Make. It's here that your SmartSuite gets to play with thousands of other apps in ways you may not even have imagined.

Using SmartSuite's built-in automations are just the tip of the iceberg. The deeper magic happens when you mix and match SmartSuite with other tools and create a seamless, time-saving ecosystem.

And there you have it, folks – eight (or so) automations to transform your CRM experience in SmartSuite. Got some automation tales or tips of your own? Drop a comment below and share the wealth of knowledge. Any questions about these automations? Same deal, hit up the comments. As always, thanks for reading, and don't forget to subscribe for more CRM tips and tricks.

Until next time, enjoy the process – let the automations do the heavy lifting.

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